Friday, April 25, 2008

Miami Beach events for April 2008 (Click Here to Post)

There is always so much going on in Miami Beach, it's hard to know where to start. For the kids, that great "Oh Seuss! Off to Great Places" Exhibit runs until April 30 at the Miami Children's Museum. You'll find the museum at 980 Macarthur Causeway, Miami, FL 33132 (305) 373-5437.

If you're passionate about home style, you'll find the Wolfsonian Museum's exhibit: Fashioning the Modern French Interior: Pochoir Portfolios in the 1920's (thru 5/11/08) interesting. The museum is at 1001 Washington Avenue, a fascinating stop on your stroll through Miami Beach's Art Deco District.

For the art crowd, there is never a dearth of gallery exhibits. Check out "Wifredo Lam in North America" (2/8 - 5/18) at the Miami Art Museum, located on the mainland, at 101 W Flagler Street, Miami 33130 (305) 375-3000.

History buffs will enjoy "Native Arts of the Northwest Coast: The Gluck Collection", which runs through June 1 at the Historical Museum of South Florida, also at 101 W. Flagler Street, Miami 33130 (305) 375-1492.

Check out our next post on great theater events...

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