Monday, June 2, 2008

Miami Beach to Orlando Express

I just got back from a business trip to Orlando and I never left the Airport there!

No, I didn't get lost and couldn't find the exit, nor was I stuck in a maze that most airports could make you feel like you're in. I just stayed at the Orlando Airport Hyatt. Boy, what a beautiful place. And the food... out of this world!

I'll tell you, it was kind of neat being in the middle of all the action at massive Orlando airport. If you ever make a trip to Orlando, and want to be in the middle and heart of it all, I highly recommend checking out the Orlando Airport Hyatt Hotel. A Real Pleasant surprise.

If you're ever in Miami Beach, or are considering staying in a luxurious home with all the trappings, close to everything great Miami Beach and South Beach has to offer, the check out this home: